About IFBC

About IFBC

The Organization

IFBC stands for Indo-Foreign Business Council. It’s a business community driven elite organization head quartered in Bangalore, India. IFBC has 2800+ global SMEs as members from 17 countries. The single point agenda of IFBC is to empower SMEs through business and business only networking using technology.

The organization consists of three committees. The first is the Advisory Committee that is represented by leaders from various sectors and governed by a body of advisory members that focuses on policy and programs for IFBC. The advisory council members are invited based on their standing in the business, social front and other endeavours as a whole.

The second is the Regional Committee covering six continents and the third is Executive Committee. Both these committees work in tandem to carry out IFBC programs throughout the year.

  • Indo-Foreign Business Council
  • A three steps mission as the programs
  • Empowering SMEs globally

Our Vision

To encourage, empower and enable business exchange and collaborations among SMEs all over the world

Our Mission As Programs

  • IFBC’s first and foremost mission is to serve as a technology platform that connects Indian and foreign SMEs. The program that serves this mission is called iBET which stands for India Business Exchange & Trade.
  • Our second mission is to conduct and facilitate SME business mission programs such as industrial visits, technology transfer, etc. between India and foreign nations. This program is known as BMi which stands for Business Mission India.
  • The third and the most critical part of our mission is to assist and facilitate foreign SMEs in setting up India office by carrying out most reliable and economical transactions across any of the 32 states (provinces) of India. Accordingly, the program is called iOSA which stands for India Office Setup Assistance.

Our Objectives

  • To conduct SME business mission programs with India and foreign nations
  • To facilitate foreign companies to do marketing in India
  • To connect Indian SMEs with foreign SMEs for trade and revenue growth
  • To help set up an India presence for foreign companies
  • To conduct business mission programs that are COVID-safe using technology
  • To improve revenue to all the stake holders of IFBC community