Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

1. Introduction to Privacy

Freedom from interference or intrusion is termed as privacy.


Everyone desires to have their privacy not being infringed. Data privacy on another hand means an individual right to have control over how his personal information is collected, processed and utilized.


With speeding technology and e-commerce, data of persons are exchanged rapidly through various sources. It becomes difficult for a “customer” or “data principal” to know when, where and how the data has been utilized.


A business collecting the data is obligated to preserve the privacy of its customer. Data secured doesn’t mean data is private. A secured, protected data can also infringe the privacy of the customer.


IFBC knows the value of data and intends not just to provide data security but also to protect the data of its customers from privacy infringement.

2. Right to Privacy

Every citizen has the right to protect their privacy from infringement. It is a natural and fundamental law in every land to provide privacy protection to their citizens.

2.1 Indian Customers’ Right to Privacy

Our Indian Customers enjoy their fundamental right to privacy included under Article 21 of the Indian Constitution. Even the Indian judiciary has upheld the importance of privacy, especially data privacy in their judgments.

In the light of Indian Constitution and Judiciary the IFBC customers enjoy right over their privacy.


2.2 International Customers’ Right to Privacy

Our international customers on the other hand are also provided equal right to privacy under international conventions and treaties. Our international customers are not discriminated against Indian customers while providing any right and protection related to privacy.

IFBC respects and complies with the law of land and also international conventions with respect to the right to privacy.

3. IFBC's Privacy Policy

Our privacy policy is intense and has covered all requirements under local and international regulations to ensure legitimate data transfer.

Primarily, IFBC follows law of land on data protection and privacy infringement, in order to extend our protection on data collected from Customers globally. IFBC also complies with European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation.

3.1. Our Compliance With Indian Law

Apart from Indian Constitution, IFBC also complies with the Information Technology Act, 2000, Information Technology rules 2011 and yet to be enforced personal data protection bill, 2018.

As prescribed under rule 4 of the Information Technology rule, 2011 the IFBC has published this privacy policy on the website. The sensitive information collected from the customers are in compliance with the procedure stated in rule 5 of the said act.

Under Section 43A of Information Technology Act, 2000, IFBC is obligated to protect the sensitive data collected against any breaches. IFBC is also aware of the penalty prescribed under Section 72 of the said act on breach of confidentiality and privacy of data collected. In case of any breach of data is conducted by any employees or representatives or affiliations of IFBC, the person who commits such offense shall be subjected to trial excluding IFBC. IFBC does not conspire, abet or support such acts.

IFBC only stores, processes and utilizes the data within the ambit of the purpose for which it was obtained as prescribed under Personal data protection bill, 2018. IFBC only uses the data provided by the customer, with his consent for the stated purpose for which it was obtained. The type of data collected is restricted to the purpose for which it is acquired. IFBC also ensures that the data collected is processed in a fair and secure manner and limits the process to the extent of purpose for which it is obtained. IFBC does not collect or process any such data which is beyond the scope of the purpose of the business.

Therefore, IFBC ensures compliance with all such data protection provisions with respect to e-commerce under Indian Law.

3.2 Our Compliance with EU’s GDPR:

For our customers from the European Economic Area (EEA) or other regions that stipulate a lawful basis for processing personal information (such as under GDPR Article 6), our legal basis for collecting and using their personal information will depend on the nature and circumstances of the processing activity. Where we are the processor for our customers, our legal basis may be fulfilment of a contract or consent. Where we are the controller, our legal basis will be consent or legitimate interest where the processing is in our legitimate interests and not overridden by the individual’s data protection interests, or fundamental rights and freedoms. These interests are to provide individuals with access to our website/application and features of our website/application; to send them information they have requested; to ensure the security of our website/application by trying to prevent unauthorized or malicious activities; or to enforce compliance with our terms of use, contracts and other policies.

3.2.1 Data Collected

IFBC for the purpose of the business shall collect only the required data such as name, email address, phone number etc. provided by customers with their consent

Any debit or credit card details given by customers for payment process to our service providers such as PayPal & Google pay is not stored with IFBC. IFBC does not autosave your credit card information.

3.2.2 Cookies

We and our authorized third parties use cookies or similar automatic data collection technologies as individuals interact with our website/application to collect certain information about their equipment, browsing actions and patterns, including:

Details of your visits to our website/application, such as the pages, date and time you access our website, length of time you spend on our websites, the resources and content that you access and use on the website/application. Information about your computer and internet connection, such as your IP Address, computer type, screen resolution, language, Internet browser type and version.

The technologies we use for automatic data collection in cookies are not used to collect information from Customer Business Contacts for marketing or advertising purposes. Purpose for which our website/application uses cookies are:

  1. Strictly necessary (essential): Strictly necessary cookies make our website work; they are essential for our website/application to perform its basic functions.
  2. Performance: Also known as “statistics cookies”, and including analytics cookies, performance cookies collect information about how you use our website/application, like which pages you visited and which links you clicked on. None of this information can be used to identify you. Their sole purpose is to improve website functions. This includes cookies from third-party analytics services as long as the cookies are for the exclusive use of IFBC.
  3. Functionality: Also known as “preferences” cookies, these cookies allow a website to remember choices you have made in the past, like what language you prefer.  They are used to enhance the user experience of the website but are non-essential to their use, but without these cookies, certain functionality may become unavailable.
  4. Marketing: These cookies track your online activity to help advertisers deliver more relevant advertising or to limit how many times you see an ad. These cookies can share that information with other organizations or advertisers. These are persistent cookies and almost always of third-party provenance.
  5. Web Beacons: Pages in our website and our emails will contain small electronic files known as web beacons (also referred to as clear gifs, pixel tags and single-pixel gifs). Web beacons differ from cookies in that the information is not stored on your hard drive, but invisibly embedded on web pages or in email.  Web beacons permit us to track online movements of web users, for example: to count users who have visited those pages or opened an e-mail and for other related website statistics (for example, recording the popularity of certain website content and verifying system and server integrity).  This enables IFBC to provide a website experience more tailored to our users’ preferences and interests.

IFBC earnestly considers an individual’s independent right to determine how their personal data is processed and continues to monitor developments in this area.

3.2.3 How Data is Used

We use information and data collected for advertising the events, programs and services of IFBC through legally protected works such as brochures, roster, pamphlets etc., via emails and on our website.

We also use third parties to serve advertisements that may be of interest to you on other websites.

The information practices of our Customer Businesses are governed by their privacy policies. We encourage Customers to review their respective privacy policies to understand their practices and procedures.

IFBC does not use personal data of our Customer Business Contacts for any purposes other than to provide services that our customers have contracted us to provide through our website, as noted below, to improve our services, or as required or permitted by law. IFBC does not sell personal data of our Customer Business Contacts.

3.2.4 With Whom Data is Shared

Personal data is fully shared with IFBC members, sponsors and various event partners. Personal data is partially shared in accordance with poll requests and specific enquiry for delegates, suppliers, and sub-contractors in the iBET virtual event. Such requested information is shared through digital mode.

Personal Data is shared with trusted third-party companies in the manner necessary to help us provide, analyze, and improve the website and IFBC’s programs.

If IFBC or its assets are acquired by a third party, Personal Data about the Participants will be one of the transferred assets as part of acquisition or merger.

3.2.5 Precautions

We take all precautionary measures to ensure that the data provided by businesses and participants are verified and genuine. We mandate our users to provide data in accordance with Article 5 of the EU GDPR as follows:

  1. Lawfulness, fairness and transparency — Processing is lawful, fair, and transparent to the data subject.
  2. Purpose limitation — We process data for the legitimate purposes specified explicitly to you when we collect it.
  3. Data minimization — We collect and process only as much data as absolutely necessary for the purposes specified.
  4. Accuracy — We keep personal data accurate and up to date.
  5. Storage limitation — We only store personally identifying data for as long as necessary for the specified purpose.
  6. Integrity and confidentiality — We conduct all processing in a manner to ensure appropriate security, integrity, and confidentiality (E.g.: by using encryption).

3.2.6 Risks and Liabilities

We use technology designed to encrypt the transmission of data to us through our websites. In addition, we take steps to protect all user data we collect against any unauthorized access. However, you should keep in mind that the websites are run on software, hardware and networks, any component of which may, from time to time, require maintenance or experience problems or breaches of security beyond our control.

While we take steps to protect your personal information and keep it secure, you also play a role in protecting your information. You must maintain the security of your online transactions by not sharing your passwords and account information with any unauthorized parties.

Please also be aware that despite our best intentions and the guidelines outlined in this Privacy Policy, no data transmission over the Internet or encryption method can be guaranteed to be 100 percent secure. IFBC cannot guarantee the security of any information you transmit to us or from our websites, and therefore, you use our websites at your own risk and we are not liable for breaches that circumvent our security measures.

4. Data Abuse & Remedy

IFBC shall ensure all such measures to prevent any type of data abuse and is obligated under the law to do so. However, if any inevitable incidents occur, IFBC shall act within the ambit of the law and regulations. Refer to 3.1 to know how IFBC would act against such offenders.

4.1 What We Are Liable For

  1. Utilizing the data obtained beyond the scope of stated purpose.
  2. Sharing the data obtained to an unauthorized third party.
  3. Leak of personal, sensitive data negligently resulting in financial loss and emotional distress.
  4. Misusing the data by utilizing it for purposes not stated.
  5. Utilizing the data for the purpose on which consent of the customer is not obtained.

In these circumstances, IFBC will take appropriate actions as defined in clause 3.1.

4.2 What We Are Not Liable For

  1. Hacking, cyber hijacking, data theft caused due to customers unprotected server or unsecured internet connections other than VPN.
  2. Phishing by third party.
  3. Breach of data due to negligence or another misconduct of customers.

In such circumstance, IFBC cannot be held liable by the customers.

4.4 Exception to Data Abuse

In circumstances where IFBC is obligated under any law in force or by any order of the government, both Indian and foreign, to disclose any data of our customers for the interest of integrity, sovereignty, security of our nation or any foreign nation, IFBC shall disclose the data and cannot be held liable for acting in the interest of our nation or foreign nation.

4.5 Remedy

Remedy shall be provided to the financially damaged and mentally distressed customers due to abuse of the data. However, the onus is on the customer to prove that the damages they incurred is from the action of the office or representatives or affiliations of IFBC.

THEREFORE, IFBC at its best knowledge and abilities have complied with all data protection rules provided in India and by European Union’s GDPR. IFBC respects the privacy and protection of the data principal hence shall not intentionally act to breach them.

IFBC website may contain links to other websites who may be third-party service providers, affiliations, etc. Our privacy policy applies only to our website (https://ifbconline.org and its subdomains) and does not extend to third-party service providers or affiliations websites. Visitors are advised to refer respective website’s privacy policy for details.

If IFBC data server/s is accidentally being hacked, cyber hijacked or taken control through any unauthorized means, IFBC will duly notify its customers without unreasonable delay and update on the resolution attained if any.

We keep our privacy policy under regular review and place any updates on our web page. This privacy policy was last updated 15th July 2021.

If you have any questions about IFBC privacy policy, the data we hold on to you, or you would like to exercise one of your data protections rights, you may contact us via email ID legal@ifbconline.org only.